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The Nectar of Eternal Life Page 3

  “Well, sometimes it’s difficult to carry on relationships after the age of 22. Things change.”

  “How so?”

  “As I mentioned, you may be given completely different jobs to perform, and you may be stationed days of travel apart from each other. It’s very difficult to carry on a long distance relationship within this huge dome.” Elsie had used this lie many times before. It helped buy just a little bit of time before the truth would be revealed. “Also, the privileged program is fairly stringent and all of the enrollees must stay within this system and only interact with other members of this select group.”

  “Hmm…if she doesn’t make it, can I decline the invitation?”

  Elsie’s face turned grave. “Don’t miss out on this opportunity, Drake. It really is the chance of a lifetime. A bus will be along at eight in the morning tomorrow to pick you up. Make sure you’re ready. Pack lightly; new clothing will be provided.” Elsie stood up. “This is an exhilarating time in your life. Soak it up and enjoy it for all that it’s worth. I still remember my time of transformation.” A contented smile accompanied by a faraway look came across Elsie’s face. “It was the most wonderful and stimulating period of my life and the best thing that ever happened to me. You are so lucky to have been chosen. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  Chapter 3

  The Great Edict

  Elsie Fleck walked along a busy street, teeming with traffic. The greenways had been cut only hours ago while most slept and the air was still rich with the scent. Vehicles skimmed over the emerald boulevards, never touching the immaculate lawns. Elsie walked through the doors of one of the polished columns of glass that towered to the ceiling. The elevator dropped her off at 22 and she quickly walked to a set of wooden doors trimmed with brass; beyond, a reception area, rich with elegance. A woman smiled from behind a stylish wooden desk.

  “Please go right in Ms. Fleck. Mr. Kamber is expecting you,” the receptionist said.

  “Thanks, Kimberly.”

  Down a long hallway of closed office doors, one stood open. Elsie peeked around the corner and gently knocked.

  Kamber was a thousand-year-old Vampire and one of the first wave of conversions when the Empire first formed. Artificial light entered the room through a large window behind Mr. Kamber highlighting his grey hair. He looked up from his paper work, squinted, then a smile spread across his weathered face, causing the waxed tips of his moustache to rise. His complexion was a little darker than the younger generation of the dome.

  “Come in, Elsie.”

  “Hello, Mr. Kamber. How are you today?”

  “Not too well I’m sorry to say. The panel of elders has yet again reduced the number of candidates to be accepted, down to 10.”

  “Ten? But I thought when they reduced to 25, that was a firm number.”

  “So did they at the time. But things are changing quickly-too quickly. If things continue like this, we could be out of a job.”

  “Don’t even joke about that.”

  “Oh, I’m not joking. And to be honest with you, I think we’ll be obsolete within the next year or so, if not sooner. The dome just can’t continue to add citizens when no one is dying. When I mildly complained, one of my colleagues offered to open up an extra spot this year if I wanted to make room for someone.”

  Elsie smiled politely. “Hmm. Well I guess I can trim down my list. But so many worthy humans will be left out. It seems like such a waste of resources.”

  “I know, but what can we do. I’m sure the 10 you select will be exemplary.”

  “Yes, we have a good crop this month. One in particular is brilliant.”

  “Mr. Ulah? Yes, I’m glad he’s finally reached the age of eligibility. And just under the wire it seems.”

  “Yes, as long as Drake makes it in, I’ll be satisfied.”

  “Yes, you have grown very fond of him, haven’t you?”

  “Well, just from a professional viewpoint of course.”

  “Is that all?” Kamber watched for a reaction as he pressured her with his gaze. “Ah, you must have just fed! Someone’s blood is rushing to your cheeks.”

  Now her cheeks glowed crimson. “Yes I did, and he was very satisfying.”

  “Yes, I can’t wait to feed later today. I have a very attractive plump blonde girl that I can’t get my mind off.”

  “Is your cycle still weekly?” Elsie asked.

  “Well, about a week and a half between feeds. But every so often, especially if I am particularly intrigued by a recent purchase, I am compelled to feed sooner. It does tend to bloat me, but what can I do, I’m only a Vampire man,” he said with a smile. “How about you? Being young, your cycle must be bi-weekly.”

  “Yes it is. But it is getting so expensive. And if what you’re saying is true, I may have to tighten my belt.”

  “Yes, I suppose that is one of the advantages of being an older Vampire, I save a little bit of money by not having to feed so much. So I’ll let you shave down that list of yours to ten, and we’ll review it. I’ll need it by the end of the day.”

  “Thanks Mr. Kamber, it shouldn’t take me too long.”

  The job went faster than Elsie expected. Most of the candidates were just names and numbers on a piece of paper, but she had a deep emotional investment in the other, to the point of obsession.


  The following day Drake waited with Megan for the bus to pick him up and take him to start his new life.

  “Don’t worry, Megan, I’ll see you in a couple of months, at the least. Ms. Fleck said that you’ve got a good shot at making it too; she said she’d vouch for you. Then we can start our new lives together. We’ll be assigned new and important jobs and live together in a nice house, and have our own car, maybe even two.”

  Megan made a poor attempt at a smile. “Ms. Fleck doesn’t like me, you know that, and I get the impression that she would prefer to keep us apart.” Tears welled up and magnified Megan’s bright blue eyes.

  “She’s just like that with some people.”

  “Yeah, people she doesn’t like!”

  “Everything will be fine, you’ll see. I’ll make sure of it. Nothing will keep us apart.”

  Drake put his arms around her. He thought she looked so cute when she was upset.

  “What about what I told you yesterday about the conversation between Ms. Fleck and Grimshaw?” Megan reminded, her face pressed hard against Drake’s chest.

  “You said yourself that it was hard to hear, but it just adds the mystery. I guess a lot of the questions will get answered now. Man, I’m so glad to be getting away from Grimshaw, finally.”

  The bus glided up silently. It had already picked up a few applicants from other farms and factories in the area.

  “I love you, Drake.”

  “Love you too, babe.”

  Drake slid his suitcase into the baggage bin under the bus and entered the vehicle.

  Tears streamed and her body jerked with each suppressed sob as the bus pulled away. Meagan watched it disappear from view, terrified that she may not ever see Drake again.

  Drake waved from the window until distracted by a voice to his rear. “Is that your girl?” A young man with red hair leaned over the seat.


  “I left mine back in Langston. That’s where I’m from. But I don’t expect I’ll ever see her again. But that’s all right. Right? There’ll be plenty of girls where we’re going-and probably classier, too. I hear up above, there are wonders and riches we’ve never imagined down here. Now, don’t get me wrong. The base is a great place to grow up: green grass, tall trees, rivers and lakes to swim in, but we’re grown up now and ready to move on to bigger and better things. Am I right?”

  Drake nodded. “Mm-hm.”

  “My name is Jack, by the way.” He extended his hand over the seat.

  “Drake.” He turned, smiled and shook Jack’s hand.

  “Good to meet you, Drake. Yep, it’s nice to be one of the few. I’d hate to be one of t
he many.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Well, it’s just rumors mind you but, after we hit 22, life changes for all of us base workers. Think about it. After age 22, all of the workers just disappear. There are lots of new babies and children and teens, but after 22, poof we evaporate.”

  “I’ve always wondered about that, but I’ve been told that we all move upstairs into different roles.”

  “That we do but, what are those different roles? That’s what I wonder. You and me for example, are lucky to have been chosen for an advanced class. So we’ll probably get moved into more technical jobs once our schooling is done. But what about everybody else, what happens to them?”

  “They all get moved into different roles.”

  “Then why don’t we all move up together? And why doesn’t anyone ever come back to visit after they leave?”

  “I suppose we aren’t allowed to, for whatever reason. I don’t think there is anything sinister about it as you’re implying, though. But I agree, it is definitely puzzling. I guess we’ll find out soon enough.”

  “Yep, the mysteries of life finally revealed.”

  Drake watched out the bus window as fields of crops passed by. In the distance, factories, refineries and pulp mills churned out their products. Water began to fall from the ceiling far overhead as a farmer watered his crops. The bus passed a seemingly endless chain of product cars, not linked together but moving in perfect unison.

  Occasionally they stopped to pick up another eager 22 year old. A thick forest loomed in the distance, but the bus turned before they reached it and slowed at a junction point filled with trucks and product containers. A train station was within sight, and machines unloaded cargo into a staging area. The bus driver presented his documents to an official who in turn verified everyone on board. Once cleared, the bus was allowed to drive and park in the massive elevator. The pleasant smell of freshly cut cedar was evident and large containers filled with consumer goods were uniformly lined far down to the end. The 22-year-olds on the bus chatted freely, excited about their new experience. Mechanized sliding doors slowly closed in the large area. Once sealed in, the room began to elevate in the vertical chute it occupied. The massive elevator accelerated until it was speeding upwards into the dome. A short time passed and the passengers could feel the elevator gradually slow. The huge doors opened and the bus was the first to leave the area. This staging area was much like the one they had just left behind, but beyond that, a forest of tall buildings. The bus driver turned on his intercom and passed on some information to his passengers.

  “As you may have already noticed, the buildings go all the way to the ceiling. They act as supports, helping to bear the load of the next floor up, while serving as living quarters or office space. The dome has 64 floors. The greenways are maintained by dome employees.”

  Drake noticed men and women all around his age with the very rare person that looked older. The pedestrian walkways were of concrete with footbridges being the only permissible way to cross the busy streets. The bus pulled into a parking area and Drake saw Elsie Fleck standing there with her trusty briefcase and a smile on her face.

  Elsie had been through this thousands of times, but this time was special.

  “Good morning, all. I hope you had a pleasant trip…and welcome to the dome! This is the first new experience in a series of new experiences for you. Please follow me and I’ll show you to your rooms. You will be given one hour to settle in and freshen up before you are required for your first orientation class.”

  All were shown to their private rooms on the 18th floor. Drake entered his small modest room and placed his bag onto the bed. He’d never been so high up before. Inching towards the window, Drake peered from a tolerable distance. The view was intimidating but amazing: towering columns of glass with a bright green criss-cross pattern at the bottom. His mind wandered for the remainder of the hour, always ending up at the same spot…Megan. Soon, there was a knock at the door. The group was re-assembled and escorted to a conference room where Elsie stood at the head of the class eagerly awaiting them.

  “Take a seat, please.”

  Drake flashed a little grin Elsie’s way.

  Elsie felt so excited but contented to finally be at this point. It had been difficult to remain patient these last few years, even for a Vampire.

  “Welcome to the class for integration into the Empire.” Elsie began to slowly pace, her clicking steps occasionally timed to accentuate a point. “You have been selected from thousands of eligible people because of your outstanding intellect, work ethic and, what we hope will be a suitable personality. I say hope, because what you will learn today will shock and alarm you.”

  “See, I told you,” Jack whispered over to Drake.

  Concerned glances flashed about the room.

  “But, if you can accept the nature of things, your lives will be enriched beyond your wildest dreams.”

  Now the shared looks between classmates were more hopeful.

  “I will start with a short history of the Empire. Over 1,000 years ago we lived outside of the protective dome that we now call home. But our star was burning out. The object that had helped bring life to our planet now threatened to take it away. An intense burn out of its remaining fuel put us in a very vulnerable position. But we knew what was coming and we began to prepare for the catastrophic event. We envisioned a massive dome, capable of housing towering cities and able to feed and shelter millions-a dome that would shield and protect us from the intense heat. The best architects and builders were brought together to design this huge structure and millions of workers toiled night and day to achieve the goal. But it was determined that there wouldn’t be enough time to build the dome large enough or to build more domes in order to accommodate the entire population. Now the leaders were presented with their first difficult decision…who is expendable, and who is not. A secret board was set up, comprised of already approved members. The board selected whom could best contribute to the rebuilding of the Empire. Millions would be safe within the dome-millions would not. It was at this time that a classified medical breakthrough was brought to light. Scientists, years previously, had discovered a means by which an individual’s life could be preserved indefinitely. The information had been kept secret because of the life sacrifices that would be needed. Rich, young human blood would be needed to achieve and maintain this end. You can understand why the information had been kept under wraps. But now, when life and death decisions were already being made, the information was shared with the governing board. Oh my goodness! A chance to keep the most clever and intelligent around forever! A rebuilding Empire could perpetually benefit. The experience of our best minds would be needed to ensure that our race was as strong as possible at this critical period. And with this plan, lives would not be wasted but contributed to the rejuvenation of the Empire. So, our population was placed into groupings: a select group was chosen to carry on into immortality, the second group would sacrifice their lives in order to convert and sustain the select group, and a third group would be essential as workers and breeders. Each year another select group is chosen to carry on into eternity. I was one of the fortunate few, chosen over 200 years ago. And that tradition continues to this day, with you. You are the cream of the crop, the select few chosen to live on indefinitely. The best and the brightest come to join our Empire, forever. Just think of it, to never age, to never feel the crippling affects of your body breaking down. Always rejuvenated with fresh life extending blood, sacrificed by our brothers and sisters so that our Empire remains as strong as it can be.”

  Elsie paused momentarily and scanned the confused faces, then continued to pace. “I understand your reaction. I felt exactly the same way when I was told. And every group of newcomers that comes through is equally distressed. But the shock will pass, and you will come to understand that this is necessary in order to keep our race strong.”

  Elsie let them digest the startling information for a few moments
. Her eyes settled on Drake who was the first of the group to speak up.

  “This is unbelievable! I knew something was strange, but I could never have imagined this. It’s barbaric! So you’re saying that only a few select individuals are chosen to live forever, and the rest are butchered so that a bunch of selfish people can be immortal? You’re taking the foundation that supports the Empire and bleeding it dry.”

  “It is the ultimate and most noble sacrifice-to give your life so that your race may continue to be strong.”

  “These noble people you speak of, I’m sure they don’t surrender their lives willingly, or are even aware of what’s going on until it’s too late!” Drake said.

  One of the girls in the group spoke up. “Wait a minute, are you telling us that all of our friends will be killed?”

  “Most, yes.”

  “And killing them somehow immortalizes others?”

  “Yes, it is a process we have followed for centuries. But you must now distance yourselves from your past. I’m not saying it will be easy, but it is for the better. You are about to, if you can accept it, begin a new enriched life, enhanced by the blood of your kindred.”

  “What if we say no?” another young man spoke up.

  “To anyone who rejects this gift, and very few do, they would be re-designated as a breeder or fodder. But eventually, all who are not accepted into the Vampire Empire, become expendable. It is as I said, the nature of things.”

  “To me it’s an easy choice-to live forever, or die in the near future…let me see,” Jack said irreverently as he motioned with his hands as if weighing the two options.

  “For most the decision is easy, once the shock of the news wears off. It’s the way of the world now. It’s up to you to accept and embrace this incredible opportunity, or reject it, and fill the equally important role of helping to keep our race strong. For without the nourishing, life-extending nectar of the soul, our lives, and our world within the dome would end.”

  “How so? If the workers were allowed to live normal lives, raise children, grow old, then life would continue to renew itself, naturally. What you’re doing is the height of selfishness,” Drake said.

  “If the workers ruled, overpopulation would destroy life within the dome, intelligence would be watered down and our race would stagnate and die.”