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The Nectar of Eternal Life Page 2

  Lang looked over at her partner sternly before beginning damage control.

  Genn shook his head.

  “Mr. Fleck, we appreciate your cooperation, and you’re right, we have no suspects to this point, we’re just gathering information right now so please, do continue.”

  Fleck glared at Genn before continuing. “That’s why Elsie took a shine to him; he was…dynamic, magnetic. I spent a lot of time with her down on the farm during that time. I was a little concerned about Elsie’s affection towards Drake. I didn’t want to see her get hurt. It breaks my heart to see her sad.”

  “It almost sounds like you were fond of Ulah,” Detective Genn said in a reproachful tone.

  “Well, I suppose I was. Even if one harbored jealousy towards Drake, he was impressive.”

  “And were you jealous of him?” Detective Lang asked.

  “I suppose all men were jealous of him to some degree…all wished they were more like him. But he’s dead. Elsie has told you that! She bled him dry, months ago.”

  “Yes, she told us.” Lang uncrossed her leg and smoothed out her slacks, leaning forward, elbows on knees. “Mr. Fleck, I know it would please you to recognize that possibly some of the information you provide, no matter how small, may help us to save other vulnerable Vampire women from the evil of this man. Please tell us more about your lovely daughter.”

  Fleck shifted uncomfortably in his chair. “Well-Elsie played a prominent role in breeding and conversion of promising humans into the Empire. She provided pertinent information that helped finalize the decisions and then she prepared the candidates. No easy chore considering the shocking information she would disclose. She had noticed Drake at a very young age and marked him down as a candidate for conversion. As the years went on, Drake continued to impress, and Elsie formed an emotional bond towards him, which grew stronger as he matured and, for Elsie, flourished into love. Unfortunately, he didn’t feel the same way towards her. Drake appreciated all that Elsie did for him, but he was in love with someone-else and Elsie grew jealous. Elsie is a strong confident Vampire woman in so many ways, but when it came to her love for Drake, she was-vulnerable. She could see that his devotion was to someone else, but Elsie hoped once conversion was completed, Drake would see her in a different light. And she knew in her heart that if he could accept the nature of things he was guaranteed to be converted into a Vampire. But as you know, there are always friendships and bonds that have been formed between humans, and sometimes it’s difficult for those chosen for conversion to break ties with those who are categorized as fodder. And to add to the confusion, and contributing to the ultimate tragedy of the situation was, The Great Edict. The timing of the passing of this ruling couldn’t have been worse.”

  “Tell us a little about the relationship between Mr. Ulah and your daughter before he was brought up into the dome for conversion.”

  “Well, Drake was a farmer, but all of his intelligence factors were off the charts. He was assured to be offered a spot in the Empire. He had a girlfriend named Megan Durham that Drake was very fond of. Elsie was worried about Drake’s reaction when she would have to tell him that he and Megan would have to be separated.”

  “Do you think that Ms.Fleck would have held Megan back purposely, even if Megan was a suitable candidate for conversion?” Lang asked.

  “She was very fond of Drake and, very jealous of Megan. Megan and Drake had a very light a beautiful banter about them, and their affection to each other was obvious. They would spend all of their free time together. It really is a beautiful place down there, and they enjoyed their freedom.”


  “C’mon Megan. Hurry up.”

  “No. It’s too high! I don’t want to fall into the creek,” a pretty young woman in a delicate print dress said.

  “We’re late and I don’t want to piss off Grimshaw. It’s safe; I cross it all the time.”

  “I know how to handle Grimshaw.”

  “Yeah, you just flash your big, baby-blues and the nasty little piece of work is putty in your hands. But it’s not the same with me. He hates me, and will do anything to make my life miserable. If it wasn’t for Farmer Pless, I’d probably be dead. Now, come on.”

  “You mean Ms. Fleck. She wouldn’t let Grimshaw harm a hair on your cute little head,” she nagged-then crossed her arms, smiling mischievously.

  Drake shook his head, annoyed at her antics. His long, agile body quickly crossed the smooth log that traversed the shallow gully.

  “See, look at it wiggle!”

  “It’s safe I tell you!” Drake swooped her up in his arms like she was just another bale of hay.

  Megan didn’t put up much of a struggle. Her long blonde hair fell over the surprised but delighted expression on her face. She looked fondly at the stern face above her and felt completely secure.

  Drake easily hefted his precious load over the brook and gently placed Megan onto the grassy bank.

  Megan felt the cool lushness of the grass between her toes as she raised herself up.

  She brushed a lock of Drake’s black hair off of his forehead and looked deep into his eyes. She found his gaze to be hypnotizing.

  He smiled and broke the spell. “Come on. We’re never going to make it in time.”

  They talked as they briskly walked. “Did you ever notice that the counselors and supervisors never seem to eat? Our jobs are to tend the fields and harvest the crops, but the workers are the only ones I’ve ever seen eat the food,” Drake said.

  “Maybe they eat privately.”

  “And they are all about our age. Have you ever seen an old counselor, or one of their children? And what about our parents? Someone must have given birth to us. None of us remember even having parents, other than the caregivers assigned to us.” Drake pondered.

  “Yes, I understand what you’re saying, but who cares, we are well fed and well looked after, and all I want is you anyway.” Megan stared up at Drake’s brooding expression and couldn’t avert her eyes until tripping over a branch forced her to.

  “Clumsy.” Drake said with a wry smile and a sideways glance.

  Megan scowled at him.

  Drake laughed, then turned serious again. “And any time I ask, they tell me I’ll have to wait ‘til I’m 22 to find out. Why so mysterious? I just don’t get it.”

  “You ask too many questions. Who cares, as long as we’re together, that’s all that matters.”

  A loud whistle pierced through the quiet.

  “Crap,” Drake muttered under his breath.

  “Sorry, it’s my fault. I just wanted another few minutes with you.”

  “And that’s exactly why Grimshaw makes my life miserable. He’s such an ass-hole. Come on.”

  Megan lurched forward, assisted by a forceful tug on her arm. Down a grassy hill they ran, kept well groomed by the grazing sheep. Down below stretched the farmland of Plesston. Squares of crops checkered the landscape, punctuated by red barns that stood out vividly against the green background. And a short distance down the road…the community of Plesston, complete with a church, school and many shops and restaurants. It was a fine place to grow up. A towering support beam gracefully curved upwards and seamlessly merged with a ceiling that stretched farther than the eye could see. Several more could be made out in the distance-standing like silent sentinels, bearing their heavy loads.

  Marco Grimshaw smiled to himself when the whistle sounded. He supervised an entire group of workers but he gave special attention to only two. One he favored…one he loathed.

  “Not fast enough, Ulah,” Grimshaw snarled, hands on hips with a satisfied smile.

  Drake stumbled to a halt, his lungs searching for more oxygen.

  “You’re late, so I’m docking your pay an hour and you’re on report again. One of these days, Ulah, I’m going to have you shipped out of here.”

  “I’m sure Farmer Pless would have something to say about that,” Drake managed to say in between deep breaths.

face reddened and his tall lean frame stiffened. “I’m the supervisor here, and Farmer Pless has given me full authority to discipline my charges as I see fit! Your insolence will be your undoing, Ulah, and I can’t wait ‘til you’re of age and shipped out of here…hopefully to fill the role of sustenance.”

  “Grimshaw!” a loud bark of a female voice startled him.

  A woman in a dark-brown suit, her white face contorted into a mask of disapproval walked purposely out of the shadows of the barn’s large double doors. A thin layer of dust accumulated on her polished black shoes and the silver latches of the woman’s black briefcase flashed intermittently as they mirrored the powerful ceiling lights.

  Just then Megan came running into the volatile scene. “I’m so sorry we’re late Mr. Grimshaw. It was all my fault.”

  Grimshaw was vibrating with anger and he knew he had just screwed up as well, but Megan’s presence always seemed to soften his demeanor. “That’s fine Durham-just go tend to your duties.”

  Megan took one last glance over to Drake whose gaze never faltered from Grimshaw’s angry stare. She lowered her head and forced her way through the air that was thick with tension. Nodding towards the well dressed woman, “Ms. Fleck,” Megan politely acknowledged.

  Elsie Fleck just nodded but didn’t look over, her gaze studied Drake’s frustrated expression.

  Megan paused and turned back, “If there is any punishment, I should be the one to receive it.”

  Elsie Fleck’s already stern expression boiled over, “Megan, you need to leave, please,” she said through a tight jaw, struggling to keep her composure.

  Megan did as she was told. She walked past the bay door of the barn and around its corner, immediately quickened her pace until reaching a full sprint. Clear at the opposite end of the barn was another door that she scrambled through, a trail of swirling dust slowly settled behind her.

  All of the equipment was out of the barn at the moment and Megan was careful to avoid most of the creaks as she lightly bound up the stairs to the loft. On her tiptoes she crept back to the front of the barn. Hair pushed back, and on her knees in the loose hay, Megan pressed her ear up to an open knothole in one of the boards that made up the barn’s walls.

  “Drake, I’ll talk to you later. Go to Farmer Pless’ office. I’ve arranged with him to use it for awhile. I want to talk to you about your future.” Elsie’s attention was firmly on Grimshaw now.

  The feeling of having no control over your own life was a thorn in Drake’s side, and the frustration of that pain showed on his face. “One of these days Grimshaw, I’m coming back to settle this score.”

  Grimshaw smiled sardonically. “No one ever comes back, Ulah, you know that.”

  “Supervisors do. I’ll get back Grimshaw…you’ll see.” Drake’s gaze never wavered as he walked by the seething Grimshaw.

  A passing tractor resonated through the barn. Megan plugged her other ear and pressed harder against the rough wood in order to hear the harsh whispers.

  “Are you out of your mind, Grimshaw! To tell a human that you hope they end up blood stock!”

  Grimshaw dropped his gaze. “I know, I screwed up. Ulah just pisses me off. He’s like Pless’ pet…and yours, too. I just hate the guy, that’s all.”

  “That’s a pretty poor excuse for blurting out the Empire’s secret. Now I’m going to have to smooth this over. Farmer Pless is going to hear about this. Little slips like these can lead to a rebellion, don’t you realize that?”

  “I know. Like I said, I messed up. I know how important it is. I just lost my temper. He’s going to know soon anyway. I’m counting down the days ‘til he’s gone, believe me.”

  “So what’s the point in harassing him. Drake will take his rightful place in the Empire of the Dome and Megan will become fodder-then you can buy her for your own amusement and eventual satisfaction. You know what we always warn about, Mr. Grimshaw…never get attached to a human.”

  Grimshaw’s eyes shot up. “You’re one to talk.”

  Elsie’s eyes narrowed. “You know that’s different. He’s assured a place in the Empire.”

  “Then you two can live happily ever after.”

  “One step at a time Mr. Grimshaw-one step at a time.”

  A tractor came around the corner and wheeled around, disappearing into the barn. The interference of the tractor drowned out any sounds from outside. When the tractor’s engine was switched off, Megan realized Grimshaw and Ms. Fleck were gone.

  Elsie and Grimshaw parted ways after one last angry warning and Elsie walked towards Farmer Pless’ office satisfied that she had made her point.

  The pungent smell of the farm animals mixed with the sweet smell of the hay was comforting to Elsie but she was glad to work in the city. She was spending more time down here than usual and admitted to herself that it was because of Drake. Her father had accompanied her again today. He was being too nosey lately; obviously overly concerned about her affection towards Drake. Ridiculous, she thought. Drake would be a Vampire within weeks and all of his worries would be unfounded. She saw Farmer Pless sitting on the porch of the old farm house, Drake by his side, and her father, Phineas Fleck, leaning against the porch railing.

  The cement stairs of the rustic old farmhouse had a fresh coat of blue paint on them but the scars of hundreds of years of wear and tear was evident.

  “Hello Mr. Pless. I trust you’re producing lots of good food for us?”

  Pless chuckled. “Yes, lots of good, healthy food.”

  “I was just shootin’ the breeze with your father when Drake came up looking a little perturbed.”

  Both of the Fleck’s glanced at Drake.

  Elsie turned back to Farmer Pless. “Yes, Drake and Mr. Grimshaw got into it a bit…seems Drake was late again.” Elsie looked reproachfully at Drake.

  Farmer Pless laughed, “I’ll bet Megan Durham was late, too?”

  Elsie tried not to roll her eyes. “Yes, I believe she was as well.”

  Her father was the only one to notice a glimmer of resentment, by the way Elsie’s mouth tightened and her tone so subtly changed.

  “Oh well,” Farmer Pless continued. “It’s almost over. You’re almost 22, Drake, and I’ll be sad to see you go. Mr. Grimshaw will have to find someone else to be nasty to; which I’m sure he will. He increases efficiency but at a high cost to moral. I’ll have to have another talk with him soon. But don’t even give him an extra thought, my boy.” He reached over and patted Drake’s leg. “You’re on to bigger and better things. Heck, maybe you’ll end up being an astronaut on one of Phineas’ space shots…wouldn’t that be exciting.”

  Elsie spoke up instantly, “And that’s why I’m here-to bring some good news. I’m sorry to steal Drake away from you again, Mr. Pless. I’ll just need a few moments of his time.”

  “Of course, take as much time as you need. As usual, my office is available for you.”

  “Thank you.”

  As she turned she flashed a smile at Drake.

  “So, how are you today, Drake?” Elsie led the way into the house.

  It was a clean, well used old house that always seemed to be warm with the smells of fresh baking. All felt welcome and comfortable when a guest of Farmer Pless.

  “Other than Grimshaw, I’m fine. I’m just wondering why I’ve been getting the privilege of seeing you so often these days.”

  A rosy glow filled Elsie’s cheeks.

  “Well, your 22nd birthday is next week and I have some good news for you.”

  “This sounds interesting.”

  Drake followed Elsie to Farmer Pless’ office.

  The office was small but very neat. The walls were filled with calendars and pictures of tractors and farm equipment, with a little bit of green paint surrounding them.

  Drake noticed this wasn’t Elsie’s usual business-like demeanor; she was positively brimming with excitement.

  “Have a seat,” Elsie said. She took the one behind the desk. “As I’ve drilled into you f
or most of your life, at age 22, all of your lives take a drastic and exciting turn. All move up into the dome and fill positions that will help the Empire to run efficiently. This move also helps to renew our workforce here at the base of the dome to ensure that we always have youth and energy down on the farms and in the factories. Not everyone gets the benefit of a full explanation of life within the dome, but you, my dear, have been selected to our privileged program.” A smile lingered on her face.

  “What does that mean?”

  “Well, what it means is, that you will be granted opportunities reserved for only a select few. All of the tests and tasks you have completed for us over the past few years have revealed that you have been blessed with an above average intellect. One of the highest ever identified. Your orientation begins tomorrow.”

  “Umm, wow, that’s terrific. Any idea if Megan made the same program?”

  Elsie’s smile withered. “Megan is a couple of months younger than you. And it’s not my final decision to make. There is a panel of elders for that.”

  “I’ve heard that there are elders higher up in the dome. The only old person I’ve ever seen before is Farmer Pless. I hear all of the younger farmers and supervisors learned from him.”

  “Farmer Pless in one of the most revered men in the dome, as are all the Farmers. Without them we wouldn’t survive.”

  “Maybe I can become a Farmer and learn from the best.”

  Elsie smiled. “You’ll see and experience lots of new and exciting things up in the dome. And you can be whatever you want to be Drake. The dome is your bounty.”

  “But Megan still has a chance, doesn’t she? The Elders, they listen to your input, right?”

  “They do, but she is judged primarily on her test scores.”

  “Megan says her test scores have been pretty good.”

  “Yes they have been, but there is a lot more criteria to be considered. I’ll do what I can to improve her chances.” Elsie forced a polite smile.

  “Thanks Ms. Fleck-that makes me feel better.”

  Elsie marked some paperwork in front of her. “So, you’ve been seeing a lot of Megan Durham lately.” Elsie said, looking without lifting her head.

  “Yeah, I suppose I have. We get along pretty well.”

  “I’m not sure that’s so wise.”

  “Why not?” Drake’s brow tightened.