The Nectar of Eternal Life Read online

Page 9

  Drake’s head slumped. “How can such a feeling of fulfillment make me feel so empty and discouraged and ashamed,” Drake uttered as he trudged out of the room.

  Elsie flopped back on the couch with a smile of satisfaction. She looked over at the limp body beside her; Gail’s eyes fixed, seeing nothing.

  “Thanks Gail…out of all my victims, I’ll remember you most.”

  Chapter 9

  Look out Empire

  “Why Miss. Fleck, you look positively radiant…you’re virtually glowing. And it’s not just the flush of a fresh kill in your veins; it’s something else,” Margaret said as she dried her hands and leaned her hip on the kitchen counter.

  Elsie got some water; she was always thirsty after a kill. “These humans have too much salt in their diets.”

  Elsie turned and purposely flipped her hair off her neck revealing a fresh bandage.

  “Oh, you’ve engaged in a couple kill-you lucky girl.”

  “It’s my first. I know the Empire frowns on it, but I’ve always wanted to try. I just never had the opportunity.”

  “Yes, it has to be with the right person, or it is just for the thrill and not for love. So, how was it?”

  “It was incredible, and not just because of the rush of Vampire blood, but because it was with Drake. I feel it has brought us closer together. To share two kills in that way is a wonderful way for a Vampire couple to bond. I don’t know how some Vampires get so hooked on the rush that they take it to the next level.”

  “Yes, I’ve heard that Vampire serial killers are on the rise. I just don’t get it. I’ve never experienced another Vampire’s blood mixing with my own, so I can’t speak from experience, but it seems to me that you’re basically signing your death warrant.”

  “You know what they say, once you’ve tasted Vampire blood, you can never go back. But I think it’s the individual. The rigors of life for hundreds of years can wear some Vampires down and they just give up on life. So they allow themselves to get hooked on the rush, knowing full well that eventually they will get caught. It’s just another form of suicide…another statistic that’s on rise in Vampire society. Life everlasting is just too much for some Vampires. But don’t worry, I’m not going over to the dark side just because of one couple kill; I’ve got way too much to live for.”

  Elsie finished her glass of water and placed it on the counter. “I’m going out soon for a few hours. Drake will stay. He’s never in a good mood after a kill. But I think he’s getting better.” Elsie probed at the injured area on her neck and winced slightly. The pain was fleeting, and promptly replaced with a contented smile.

  Christopher watched from the window as Elsie drove away. He wore a troubled look that Margaret instantly recognized when he walked into the kitchen.

  She put her fists on her hips and looked stern. “What now!”

  “I’m in big trouble.”

  Margaret’s expression relaxed to one of concern. “What’s going on?”

  “Megan’s pregnant.”

  Margaret’s arms, head and eyes flew towards the ceiling. “You idiot, Christopher! How could you have left them alone for so long. You do understand human nature, don’t you? It’s how we have a steady flow of blood,” she added in a condescending tone.

  “Yes. I understand about human sex. I just never thought Drake would risk it. He said that’s why he and Megan abstained from sex when mated together, months ago. So I just assumed that was still his stance. Now I’m in big trouble. Is there anything we can do about it?”

  “We-why is it whenever there’s trouble, it’s we? I don’t know Christopher.” Margaret rubbed her temple. “Let’s look at this from every angle.”

  Christopher moved closer.

  “If we tell her, she’ll be majorly pissed, and we, as in both of us, will suffer for months because of it, but then it will be out in the open. If we don’t tell her…hmm…she’d never know, and we could sell the baby, and make a few bucks from the ordeal. Then the baby would be gone and Miss. Fleck would be none the wiser.” Margaret looked at Christopher for his opinion.

  “One thing though; what if Drake, and he will-objects?”

  “What, you told him? On the blood of my father, Christopher, why did you do that?”

  “I just thought it was the right thing to do at the time but, obviously I was wrong.”

  “You just complicated things immensely. But I still think that we should keep it from Miss. Fleck. I mean, she’s on cloud nine right now; they just shared in a couple kill.”

  “Yes, I figured they must have.”

  “So, I want her to continue in a good mood, as I’m sure you do.”

  Christopher nodded his head fervently.

  “Drake will be angry at us for selling it, but better him than Miss. Fleck.”

  “What if Drake tells Miss. Fleck?” Christopher asked.

  “I don’t think he will as long as we handle the situation correctly. So don’t say anything to Drake or Megan until you clear it with me. Do you understand?”

  Christopher nodded. “Got it.”


  Drake felt even worse than usual after the last kill. He had taken two lives this time, and he had engaged in an unsavory joining together that made his skin crawl. Christopher came to see him.

  “Hey, Drake…how’s it going?”

  “It’s crazy, Christopher, my body feels so energized, but my psychological state is in such conflict. I feel as if the opposing feeling will tear me apart. Have you seen Megan?”

  “No, but now would be a good time to see her, like I promised. But you really put me in a tough spot, Drake. You must promise not to hold anything against me as far as decisions we must make down the road.”

  Drake’s mind quickly deciphered his meaning. “Are you going to tell Elsie?”

  “No, I told Margaret though.”

  “That’s good. Can we go right away?” Drake asked.

  “Yes, the sooner the better; Miss Fleck should be away for a couple of hours.”

  Christopher led the way to Megan’s apartment, steering clear of Margaret.

  “Now, I’ll leave you two alone for only a short time. And just try to enjoy the few moments you two share and don’t dwell on what the future may bring…okay?”

  Christopher unlocked the outer door and knocked on the inner as he unlocked it.

  “Come in,” came the excited voice of Megan.

  Two bodies crushed together and Christopher felt a twinge of jealousy mixed with warmth of emotion. He left the doors ajar and stood there for a few minutes.

  “Oh, Drake how could we let this happen?”

  “We messed up. But the more important question is what are we going to do about it?’

  “What can we do?”

  Drake looked at the door, still open. He led Megan deeper into the apartment. “Well, if we let it, I can see this going only two ways, but both lead to the same certainty, our baby will be sold and raised as we were, for blood. I can’t see it any other way Megan, and I’ve thought about this often-the baby is just the catalyst for us to take the action that I knew must eventually come…we need to run.”

  Megan’s face was blank for a moment. “But what if we’re caught?”

  “This decision has been so hard to make; if we stay our baby will be killed, but if we go and get caught, we’ll all be killed. This affects us both…what do you think?”

  “Oh, god, I don’t know.” Megan buried her head in her hands.

  “There’s something else you need to know.” Drake waited until Megan had raised her head. “I’m not the same as when we last met.”

  Megan looked intently for Drake’s explanation, not really sure if she really wanted to hear it.

  “I’m not human anymore. Elsie tricked me.”

  Megan looked at Drake’s downturned face as the unbelievable information was slowly absorbed; the thought encountered panicked resistance. “No, it can’t be-you can’t be.”

  “I’m sorry. I’m co
mpletely ashamed and if it weren’t for you, I think I would do away with myself.”

  Megan shrinked away and a look of horror distorted her lovely face.

  Her reaction cut Drake to the heart.

  “Have you…?”

  Again, Drake looked down.

  “Oh my god, Drake!” Megan turned and stomped away.

  “Megan! I can’t change back. I’m still Drake. I still have the same feelings for you that I did before the transformation. And no matter what I am now, the problem we need to focus on hasn’t changed. How do we save this baby? Megan, I’ve thought about this, and the only way out is to find refuge back home, with humans, at the base of the dome. We need to let everyone know the secrets of the dome. We need to revolt. Even if it means the death of every last human, at least that will stop this barbaric insanity.”

  “But you’re one of them…you’ve killed.”

  “I am the same in the fact my needs are the same, but I’m different in my desire to end this atrocity. Even though I am what I am, I know I can help, but we need to get out of here and spread the word; it’s the only way.”

  “But how will you survive?” The question repulsed her.

  “Again, I’ve thought about this, and I can survive on Vampire blood. Once out of here I have an endless supply.” Drake held Megan’s tortured gaze. “Don’t worry Megs, I promise I’ll only feed from Vampires…I swear by god.”

  “But you said you couldn’t help yourself. What if you get that starved again? You may even feed from me.” Surprisingly, the thought didn’t sicken her, but it did Drake…his face contorted into one of disbelief.

  “How can you say that? I would sooner die myself rather than see you die. I will always protect you…even if it’s from myself.”

  Drake’s eyes went to the door still partly open; Megan’s eyes followed.

  He walked quietly over and gestured to Megan to stay put. Slowly opening the door, Drake noticed the outside door was still open as well. He peeked and saw no sign of Christopher. His heart leapt. He walked quickly back.

  “Pack a small bag. I can’t believe Christopher left the door open…he’s such a doofis sometimes. Elsie will kill him. Like I said, I’ve researched and thought about this a lot. We can do this. Hurry, just a few essentials. I have access to a line of credit, and I’m a Vampire now.” Both Drake and Megan got a knot in their stomach at the words. “So I can just blend in… and a Vampire man out in public with a human woman is commonplace. And, we have the advantage once we are out of this house; Elsie can’t alert the authorities. We just need to get out of the house. I’m going to check the door for a minute.”

  Drake walked with cautious purpose to the door. He couldn’t believe Christopher had left it open; the opportunity was amazing. A pang of guilt swayed his resolve momentarily. But Christopher would understand…hmm, Drake thought of the consequences to Christopher and walked calmly back to Megan’s room. “Take your time. Christopher’s got to know what we’re doing.” Drake expected Megan’s surprised look. “It’ll be better for him in the long run if I do. I can make it look like I forced him. He’ll be back soon. He’s such a big goof…but a loveable one.” Drake smiled which did nothing to calm, Megan.

  Megan’s whole crazy mixed up life had been dealt another blow. Learning to cope and accept was her only survival mechanism. But this? Oh my god, this had never occurred to her. “Where will we stay? How will we get back home? Oh my god, Drake!” She looked over at him as she packed and tears started to flow.

  “Don’t worry about anything. I’ll take care of it. Our advantage now is that I am a Vampire. I’m sorry Megan, but that’s the way it is…please try to accept it.”

  Megan saw the old Drake: kind, considerate and loving. She forced a smile and wiped her face.

  A light tap was heard at the door. “Anybody home?” Christopher called.

  “Yeah, we’re in here, buddy.”

  “I hope you both have clothes on,” Christopher joked as he walked towards the bedroom. His dimpled smile faded slightly. “What’s going on here?”

  “We’re leaving,” Drake answered, holding Christopher’s surprised gaze.

  “What do you mean, leaving?”

  “We’re going away and never coming back. I know the access code to the house. It wasn’t too difficult to figure out.”

  “But you can’t…Miss. Fleck.”

  “Elsie has very limited options. She can’t call the police, and I know you or Margaret won’t. I feel confident we can blend in without causing any suspicion.” Drake flashed a confident smile.

  “What about me? Miss Fleck will be furious.”

  “Sorry, man, but she’ll get over it. She’ll be too worried about me getting caught to pay you much attention. We’ll tie you up and add a couple of facial bruises if you like.”

  “Umm, no I’m good with just being tied up, thank you very much. Bloodless bones, Drake, you sure put a friend in an awkward position.”

  “Sorry, Christopher, you know I have to do it to save the baby.”

  “But you can’t save the baby. As soon as it’s born you’ll attract attention. No one below the age of 22 is ever up in the dome. The only safe place for it is at the base.”

  Drake didn’t answer.

  “I’m all packed up,” Meagan said, her face red and puffy.


  Just then, Christopher made a dash for the door. Drake reacted quickly and caught up as Christopher was desperately trying to shut and lock the door. Drake easily over powered him.

  “Come on Christopher, please relax and make this easier on the both of us.”

  Christopher stopped struggling. Being this close to Drake made him feel warm and contented, and he felt his fangs pulse.

  “Megan, you got some strong tape?” Drake led Christopher back into the apartment, and bound his hands and feet. “There you go, buddy. Just say that I forced you to take me down here and then tied you up. Thanks for everything, man, you’ve been a good friend.” Drake smiled.

  Megan spoke up, “Yes, you’ve always been good to me, too. Thank you for all of your kindness.”

  Christopher’s return expression was one of acceptance. “Take care of yourselves. I wish you nothing but the best.”

  Drake grabbed Megan’s belongings in one hand and extended his other towards Megan. She looked at it and then up into Drake’s eyes. He hated this; Megan had never ever hesitated before, but eventually she accepted it.

  Christopher’s eyes followed them out the door, then down to his bindings. “On the blood of my father, how do I manage to get myself in these predicaments?”

  Drake led Megan to his and Elsie’s bedroom and grabbed a bag that he had pre-packed weeks prior. Megan felt a pang of jealousy and hurt as she gazed around at Elsie’s things. On the dresser was a framed picture of Drake and Elsie smiling at a social function. Soon they were outside of the kitchen where Margaret prepared more food for Elsie’s blood stock.

  “You wait here-I’ll just be a moment,” Drake said to Megan before stepping into the kitchen.

  “Hi Margaret, I’ve just come to say goodbye.”

  She turned quickly with a puzzled look crinkling her brow.

  “Megan and I are leaving. Christopher is tied up in Megan’s apartment.”

  Margaret shook her head. “That idiot.” She paused momentarily and dried her hands.

  “How will you survive?”

  “We’ll manage. Please don’t let Elsie be too hard on Christopher. He really is a good hearted guy. Sorry to turn the household upside down…and thanks for everything.”

  “Don’t mention it. It was a pleasure having you in the house…most of the time,” she said with a smile. “Good luck to you both…you’ll need it.”

  Drake returned the smile. Collecting Megan, he proceeded to the front door and keyed in the pass code. Elsie had never volunteered it, but it wasn’t hard to watch and memorize the pattern. They walked out into the Vampire world of the dome…free members o
f the select society.


  Elsie came home, spirit soaring. The spring in her step was evident when she entered the kitchen. “Hello Margaret. How’s my blood stock? Well fed and happy I trust?”

  “Yes Miss Fleck. I just took them their dinners.”

  “You did? Why, where’s Christopher?”

  “I don’t know what he’s doing, but it’s annoying when I can’t find him when I need him.”

  “Please find him and tell him to come and see me immediately.” Elsie’s tone was switching back and forth. “Have you seen Drake?”

  Margaret turned to wash a pot. “No, I haven’t.”

  “Hmm,” Elsie grunted and quickly turned to see how Drake was doing. She felt euphoric. The three hours at work had flown by. She didn’t really mind that her hours had been cut so much: confident that she had enough money to weather the storm, and grateful to have the extra time to spend at home. Where is he anyway; Elsie searched the house.

  “Margaret? Did Christopher take Drake out of the house? I strictly told him not to take him out.”

  “I don’t know Miss Fleck. I don’t think he would have.”

  Elsie’s darting eyes suddenly became fixed. She spun and walked briskly towards Megan’s apartment. Margaret hurried after her while making sure to maintain a comfortable distance. Seeing the doors to Megan’s apartment open, Elsie’s heart raced even faster. She stopped in her tracks. Christopher feverishly jerked at his bindings, but stopped all movement when Elsie entered the room, his eyes wide with panic.

  “Christopher, you idiot!”

  Chapter 10

  A Predator Emerges

  “We’ll blend in if we just relax. We, as a couple, are completely normal in this society. Let’s just enjoy our freedom. And remember, they can’t report us. The only thing Elsie can do is cut off the line of credit to this card, which, I expect she will eventually do. That will make it more difficult for us,” Drake spoke softly to Megan in the back of the bus.

  Megan nodded her understanding, never turning her head from the window-seat view of scenery flying by and people on the street. The situation since coming of age had been such a life and death struggle, but now things had escalated even further. She struggled, but felt her survival mechanism kick into acceptance and hope mode. Maybe they actually could get back home. Megan thought of the rolling green pastures and the sound of the tiny rapids in her favorite brook. We really may be able to make a difference and change this horror. Oh my god, please let us get back home.