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The Nectar of Eternal Life Page 5

  “But I’m in love with Megan. You know that!”

  “I was hoping that with conversion and the passing of time, you could forget her.”

  “Well, the other problem is, I could never be one of you!”

  “You say that now, but if circumstances were different. In all of my hundreds of years as a transformation officer, I, personally, have never seen one person refuse conversion.”

  “Hopefully I’ll never have that choice again-and what if I don’t; are you going to be content to watch me grow old while you stay young? Not likely. You’re going to tire of having an elderly man around and you’ll be disappointed and resentful that you spent so much money on a relic. It’ll get to the point where you even lose the desire to feed off me.”

  Elsie laughed. “If you’re trying to save your own life, you’re not doing a very good job. Let’s just take this one day at a time. So for now, at least be grateful.”

  Drake forced a smirk. “Sorry, I’m still trying to grasp all of this.”

  “I know. We become desensitized to the shock humans experience at this time of their lives; it passes, believe me. Now what can I get for you. Are you hungry?”

  “All I really want right now is to know that Megan is safe.”

  “But I have absolutely no control over her future?”

  “You could if you really wanted to.”

  “I suppose that’s the point.”

  “But what if you could just make sure she’s safe? Just knowing that, would be enough for me.”

  “You know she’s not safe though.”

  “But, if she’s still alive, there is one way to make sure she’s safe. Provide her with the same advantages that you have so graciously bestowed on me.”

  Elsie abruptly stood up and walked behind the couch, pacing back and forth as she spoke. “I can’t, don’t you see, it would tear me apart to see the two of you together.”

  Drake shifted up to the front of the couch. “Then keep us apart. It would just make me feel better to know that she’s safe. You could set aside a living space for her within this big house and keep her secluded. We never even have to see each other.”

  “You know that wouldn’t work. You’d be relieved at first, but as time went by you’d be drawn to her. Besides, I have no idea of where she is. She’s probably already been bled.”

  “We don’t know that for sure. And I promise that if I know she’s safe I’ll be a much better companion for you. Otherwise I’ll just be miserable, and terrible company, so you may as well just kill me now.”

  Elsie paced a few more times, growled in frustration, and stomped out of the room.

  On her way past the kitchen she curtly instructed her staff, “The human I told you about is here. He is to be treated like a guest, not like bloodstock. Margaret, see to his every need, Christopher, show him to his room.”

  “Yes, Ms. Fleck,” they both replied.

  When Elsie had left, they exchanged glances but didn’t question or discuss their employer’s orders.

  Elsie went into another room, closed a sliding door, and threw herself into a thickly cushioned chair. After a heavy sigh, she picked up a remote control and uttered a voice command. “Dad.”

  Across town a man sat in his home watching a show on television when a call came through. Phineas Fleck grumbled at the interruption and pushed the receive button on his remote. A window on his TV revealed the caller. He immediately saw that his daughter was upset and went to full screen. “Hi honey, what’s up?”

  “Hi, Daddy. I need your advice on something.”

  “Don’t tell me. You bought Drake and you’re even more confused now than you were before.”

  “Oh shut up.” She forced a smile. “But you’re right, I did buy him.”

  “I figured you would, but I hoped you wouldn’t. Now what are you going to do with him? You can’t count on the transformation law to be lifted, because chances are it never will be, or if it is, it may be too late, Drake may be an old man by then. Never get attached to a human! Now you’re in an emotional predicament deeper than you ever were.”

  “I know, but Drake is special. He’s intelligent, he’s funny, well not so much right now, but before all this he was. And did I mention that he’s gorgeous?”

  Her dad rolled his eyes. “About a thousand times. And that’s my exact point. Your main draw to him is a physical attraction but, that’s going to fade, and you know that. That’s why the Empire stresses and constantly reminds us…”

  “Don’t get attached to a human, yeah, I know, Dad.”

  “It’s even more important for a female Vampire to be careful of. They seem more susceptible to it for some reason, studies have proved it. That’s why I’ve always been so worried because of your job and your involvement with so many human men. You’ve done so well, for almost two centuries.”

  “I have been very careful to keep it very businesslike. But that just proves how special Drake is.”

  “Special or not-he’s a human, and will always be a human. You need to be strong and do away with him. Just think what an awesome feeling it will be to feed from someone you’re so attracted to. Don’t you think?”

  “I don’t know. I’ve never felt this way before,” Elsie stated in frustration.

  Her father rolled his eyes. “I don’t know if I’ve ever been in love with a human woman before but, I do know for sure, the more I’m attracted to them, the more pleasurable the kill.”

  “But after that rush, he’ll be gone forever. I don’t know if I can stand that.”

  “He’ll be gone forever, eventually, even if you let him live. Only you’ll have to endure the pain of watching him shrivel and die. I’ve heard stories of the aging process, and from what I’ve heard, it’s not a pretty sight.”

  “I just wish the Empire hadn’t been so stubborn and allowed one more human through. It’s so frustrating because he was so close to the cut-off.”

  “There’s nothing you can do about it now. My advice to you is to let him go. Don’t let him hang around, he’ll only bring you misery.”


  As the days went on, Elsie could see that Drake was miserable and not the companion she had hoped for. She finally gave in and went to look for Megan. Her connections within the bureaucracy made it fairly easy. It was deemed that Megan would not make a good breeder due to her recent history, so she was put up for auction. Elsie discovered that a Vampire man had just purchased Megan only days before. Elsie acquired his name and phone number. She made the call, not fully sure if she really wanted to find Megan still alive.

  “Hi, is this Mr. Quarterton,” Elsie read the name from her notes.

  Quarterton switched on his video screen so he could see the caller. As soon as he did, Elsie got a full view of the Vampire man. His bulk almost took up the full screen.

  “Yes, it is. How may I help you?”

  “My name is Elsie Fleck. I’m very sorry to bother you. I got your name from The Blood Shop as being the person who just purchased Megan Durham and I was wondering first of all, if she’s still full of blood?”

  He was a massive Vampire, with long greasy black hair. His pudgy, unshaven face jiggled when he talked. “Yes, yes she is-alive and well, and full of the beautiful, youthful nectar of life. Quite frankly, I can’t wait.”

  Elsie imperceptibly grimaced. “I was wondering if you would consider selling her?”

  “Hmm, well you see, I was really looking forward to Megan this weekend. I’ve been building up my hunger and desire for her so that the experience will be that much more special.”

  Elsie tried to hide her shiver with a shift on her chair and thought what a fitting end this grotesque Vampire would have been for Megan…damn it! “You see, I’ve just recently purchased a human man, and he is constantly talking about a female human that he has been in love with for years, or some nonsense like that. My Vampire partner and I were thinking how nice it would be for us, as a couple, to experience two kills simultaneously with two humans
that are in love!” Elsie paused, hoping her fabrication connected with Quarterton in a way that he could relate to.

  “How delightful! I’m always looking for new and fresh ways to spice up my kills. Why just last week, I made four kills in one day. Well, three and a half anyway. I couldn’t quite finish off the last one, so she lingered for a bit…but still a record for me.”

  Elsie shuddered at the gluttonous deed. “Wow, that’s amazing. I wish I could do that. So, what do you think? Would you be willing to give her up for a good cause?”

  “I admire your inventiveness, but she really is a lovely girl and to be honest with you, I don’t know how I’ve resisted this long.”

  “What if I buy you three other pretty girls to replace her?”

  “My, you really must want her. Three, plus what I paid for Megan…and you pay for all of the pick-up, delivery and transfer paperwork. And they must be from the Blood Shop. No bargain basement blood.”

  Elsie’s face reddened, but in a calm voice, “All right, it’s a deal. I’ll arrange everything. Thank you for being so-reasonable.”

  “Oh, it’s my pleasure. Anything for love…I’m just a big softie.”

  “Yes, yes you are. Thanks again, Mr. Quarterton.”

  Elsie disconnected, immediately jumped to her feet and performed the Quarterton, shudder, shiver, creep me out dance, which included wiping imaginary bugs from her arms.

  “Oh, my, blood, I think his stink oozed through the phone!”

  Chapter 5

  The Happy Home

  Elsie’s father sat on her couch and listened to the latest news. “So, you bought Megan, too? This really is becoming a dysfunctional household. How can you afford all of this blood-stock that isn’t-blood-stock”

  “I had to dip into my savings and built a totally self-contained apartment within the house, but it’s only temporary.”

  “Hopefully not decades temporary. Are you concerned about them getting together while you’re out? I still can’t believe you’ve done all this.”

  Elsie scowled. “Margaret and Christopher are under strict orders not to let Drake see Megan. Drake was grateful and kept his word to become a cordial companion. We even go out together.” Elsie finished with a demure look.

  Fleck raised his eyebrows then slightly grimaced.

  Elsie caught the expression. “Yes, I know. But I don’t care what other people think. And it is getting more common-place you must admit.”

  “Not for older, more established Vampires it’s not.”

  Elsie looked annoyed now. “Well, it should be. Why, in the name of crimson is it okay for Vampire men to parade their next kill out in public? To show all their buddies, and even trade sometimes…and it not be okay for a Vampire woman to be escorted out for an evening with a human man. It’s a double standard and you know it is.”

  “I know it is, but it’s always been that way and for good reason; women are more susceptible to getting attached. A thousand years of history have proven that and you’re up to your fangs in it right now.”

  Elsie smiled. “Don’t worry, Dad, I know what I’m doing.”

  Fleck sat back. “And Drake is just taking your word that you bought Megan?”

  Elsie huffed. “No, unfortunately not; he’s been pestering me for days to see her to make sure she’s fine. He’s driving me crazy, actually.”


  “How do I know you really bought her. You could have just told me that to get me in line.” Drake sat on the edge of the bed, black hair neatly in place, sharply matching a lustrous black tux and polished, black shoes.

  Elsie stood at the dresser and clasped on her earrings. The faceted gold and stones flashed as she turned to speak. “I wish you wouldn’t use that term. I want you to want to do things with me”

  “And I do, but I just need some verification that she is alive. I need to see her.”

  “Oh my blood, you’re driving me crazy with this.”

  Drake smiled that smile that made Elsie putty in his hands. “You know I’m committed to you sweetheart. I just consider her an old friend now and need to know that she’s safe. That was a part of the original deal, remember, that I know she’s safe. I need verify it by seeing her for a few minutes. I swear to you, there’s nothing more to it.”

  Elsie rolled her eyes as she straightened her shimmering black shawl. “I’ll think about it. Now, can we just go out and have a good time with no more talk of her.”

  “Of course, sweetheart. I just hope there aren’t too many gawkers tonight.” Drake shook his head.

  “I’ve told you, just ignore them. They’re all just jealous, anyway. Well, the women are jealous…the men are just pissed.” She smiled. “Come on, let’s go or we’ll be late.”

  Elsie lead the way to a human approved area, required when escorting a human man to the theatre. Human women were permitted in the general assembly, though. Drake looked around at the few other human men in the small area. He nodded to them. He noticed that all were very handsome young men and the Vampire women with them, glittered with wealth. The play was a little beyond Drake’s years of experience: a comedy, all about a Vampire couple who have been together for almost 500 years.

  Once the evening was done they went home. As they changed out of their evening-wear, Drake noticed Elsie looking at him passionately. “I wish you wouldn’t do that.”

  Elsie smiled and looked away. “I’m sorry. It’s just so difficult; I love spending time with you but because you’re human…I also see you in a different way.”

  “Like your next meal?”

  Elsie blushed slightly. “Well, I do need to feed. And being this close to you all evening has definitely heightened that desire.”

  Drake shook his head. “Well, before you go, I need to talk to you about Megan again.”

  Elsie threw her arms in the air. “Oh, my blood, Drake, I can’t take this incessant pestering!”

  “You know it was part of the original deal-and I’ve lived up to my end of the bargain. I just need to see, for myself, that she’s okay…that’s all.”

  Elsie threw her jewelry into their plush little drawers and stomped around the room, slamming cabinet doors and muttering to herself. “You know, you’re spoiling a perfect evening with this!”

  Drake spoke softly as he hung up his jacket and threw his white dress shirt into the laundry hamper, “I’m sorry, honey, it’s just a formality…you know I’m devoted to you,” Drake forced the caressing words out.

  Drake stood, bare-chested, the soft lamp light accentuating the peaks and valleys of his form, his narrow hips in sharp contrast to his broad shoulders.

  Elsie, softened by his words and soothing tone visibly slumped. She looked up at that beautiful face that she fell in love and remembered the beaming young boy with boundless energy. “All right, all right, but only for a few minutes, and never again.”

  Drake tried to hide his delight. “That’s fine, thanks Elsie. When will you arrange it?”

  Elsie thought for a moment. “I have to leave the house for awhile tomorrow. I’ll tell Margaret and Christopher to set it up. I don’t even want to be in the house when it happens. And just remember-she’s only alive because I made it that way, and I can change that in a heartbeat. Now, not another word about it…ever.”

  Drake smiled and felt his mood lift.

  Elsie stomped downstairs and into the servant’s lounge where she found Christopher and Margaret watching T.V. Margaret paused a show about a serial killer Vampire being hunted by the law.

  “I don’t know why you watch this program, it’s so unrealistic. They catch these Vampire killers almost immediately.”

  “I know, but they’re interesting.” Margaret forced a smile.

  “I want you to set up a meeting between Drake and Megan.”

  Margaret and Christopher tried to hide their surprise.

  “No more than 15 minutes, and never leave them alone. I’ll be leaving for the office at around 9…so, soon after that. Understood?” />
  “Yes, of course, Miss. Fleck,” Margaret replied and Christopher nodded.

  “Christopher!” Elsie said sharply.

  Christopher sat upright immediately.

  “Bring the one that came in on Friday; the tall dark haired one.”

  “Yes, Miss Fleck,” he sprung to his feet and went to fetch the recent purchase.

  Elsie had bought him online at a fairly good price for the quality of the stock. Although the man had pleasant features, he hadn’t sold for 10 days and was therefore discounted.


  The tallest of the three men in the room looked up.

  “Come with me please.” Christopher said.

  The three men exchanged glances. The tall young man stretched his long, lean, almost skinny body out the chair and walked slowly over to Christopher who smiled re-assuringly at Nelson.

  Christopher locked the door of the chamber behind him and led Nelson through the house.

  “The other two say that when you take someone from the apartment…they never come back.”

  Christopher smiled up at the man. “Don’t worry. That room is just a holding area until Miss Fleck decides where she can use you in her business.”

  “Why all of the secrecy then-and what kind of business is it?”

  “Miss. Fleck will let you know; we’re going to see her now.”

  “And what about all of this talk about my blood enriching the life of another; am I going to die?”

  Christopher cursed the carelessness of the blood vendors. Their lack of attention to the details made his job more difficult. He gripped the tranquilizing jab in his pocket, just in case.

  “Don’t worry, Nelson, it’s just an interview.”…with a Vampire, Christopher thought, sardonically.

  Christopher opened the door to a room that appeared larger than it was because of the scarcity of furniture, and what there was, wasn’t very plush. Most of the rooms in the house were carpeted, but a burning fire place at the far end of the room reflected off of a gleaming tile floor.

  “Miss. Fleck will be with you in a few minutes,” Christopher said before leaving the room and closing the door behind him.

  Nelson tried the door, but it was locked. Contributing to the house guest’s trepidation, was the fact that you needed a key to get in and out of rooms in this house. He sat in on one of the hard chairs and fidgeted. A few minutes later Elsie entered the room. Nelson immediately stood up.