The Nectar of Eternal Life Read online

Page 4

  “How do you know that?”

  “We are not willing to experiment to find out. This is the way of life in the Empire. You can reject it, or embrace it and become a part of a glorious Empire that rewards its newcomers with eternal life. We are already on the brink of overpopulating the dome, to the point of limiting new members to our society. There are rumors that the program may be suspended indefinitely. You could be the last group to be granted this privilege. Don’t let it slip away because of some silly moral code. If you do decline this opportunity, you can never come back. It is a once in a lifetime chance; an existence that will last as long as you want it to. I’ll leave you now to think this over. Someone will show you to your rooms. I’ll meet with you again tonight to answer any more questions you may have. You must make your decision by tomorrow and then we can start your integration into the Empire. I hope you all will take advantage of the privilege that has been presented to you.”

  Elsie took a brief glance at Drake. She had hoped he would have gone with the flow a little better. His words troubled her. But, she had heard those words many times before, and none of them to her recollection had refused life over death. Elsie took her leave and proceeded to her usual, post introduction meeting with Mr. Kamber, 4 floors up.

  “Elsie, please come in and sit down. I have some rather disturbing news,” Kamber said as he twisted the turned up tips of his moustache. “The board of directors has voted to suspend the program, effective immediately.”

  Elsie’s face went momentarily vacant. Then her face hardened. “But how can they do that? I’ve just told the latest group the good news. Surely they mean after this group has gone through.”

  “No, they were quite clear-effective immediately.”

  “But what about Mr. Ulah. Surely they will make an exception for him. You said yourself how much of an asset he will be for the Empire for centuries to come.”

  “I’ve already addressed that issue, and they were quite resolute, no exceptions.”

  “But he’s so brilliant. I can’t believe that they would allow such a valuable prospect to slip through their fingers. Surely they will listen to reason. Maybe if I…”

  “Elsie, they said no! You must accept their directive. I know you really like this boy, but there is nothing we can do. A law will be passed immediately. The most significant law in the last 10 centuries, I would say. The Empire is changing and we must change with it.”

  “What will happen to him?”

  “You mean, what will happen to them?”

  “Yes, of course.”

  “They will be treated just as all others who have reached the age of maturity. They will fulfill their purpose of helping to keep the Empire strong; just as it has always been and how it will always be. Come Elsie, it’s not all that bad. The Empire will find other functions for us.”

  Elsie’s posture sagged and her eyes dropped. “Yes, I know.”

  “It’s Drake, isn’t it?”

  Elsie raised her head to meet Kamber’s gaze.

  “I’m not stupid, you know,” he said with a kindly smile. “You two may have made good companions but, things have changed now and it’s best that you let him go. Even if you buy Mr. Ulah to keep him from becoming someone’s meal, he will grow old right before your eyes. He will lose his youthful appeal and you will tire of him.”

  Elsie slumped again and her hands covered her face.

  Kamber rolled his eyes. “This is a perfect example of why we preach to all new-comers and to experienced Vampires alike-do not get attached to a human. It can only lead to grief. You of all people should know that, Elsie. Now go and get your paperwork in order. You need to inform the group that an edict has been passed and they are no longer eligible for entry into the Empire.”

  Elsie raised her head. “Yes sir.”

  Chapter 4

  Blood Auction

  Elsie’s father continued his flashback look for the detectives, “Elsie was crushed by the historic declaration. She couldn’t accept losing Drake. She thought about purchasing him and keeping him as a human companion for a while. But she knew this was a temporary solution and that he would age and eventually die. Elsie hoped, however, if she did follow this path, that the edict might be lifted in 10 years or so, and then Drake would only be in his mid thirties when converted. Elsie could live with that. But to have to watch him turn into an old man would sicken her.

  I told her just forget him, and find a nice Vampire man for a companion…or buy Drake and feed from him. The climactic experience would surely be heightened if the kill was with someone you love, right? She didn’t like that idea.

  Elsie’s connections within the system made it easy for her to check up on Drake’s status. He was re-designated as a breeder and when Megan turned 22, he managed to be paired up with her. Elsie’s nagging jealousy was turbo-charged when she read that Megan was Drake’s pairing, but then tempered because the two breeders were not producing. And Elsie knew, that if you aren’t being a prolific producer, you are re-designated; so they would be split up and Drake would become available as blood stock. Upon deeper reflection Elsie surmised that it was not so much a fertility problem as much as a moral issue with them. She assumed that as soon as Drake and Megan were together, Drake enlightened Megan on the secrets of the Empire. Because of the information Drake now possessed, he was never going to be a good breeder.”


  “We’ve talked about this before, Megan. We have got to be strong.” Drake held Megan firmly by the shoulders, and looked intently into her eyes. “Think of how it would make you feel, to never be able to hold your own child, and to know that your flesh and blood was going to be raised by strangers only to be fattened for the kill, just like we were.”

  Megan began to weep into Drake’s chest.

  “And do you think if the rest of the people assigned as breeders knew what their children were being raised for, that they would have any children?”

  Megan looked up at Drake, her face contorted, eyes pouring out. “It’s a nightmare. Life seemed so perfect just a few months ago. I can’t believe that all those years, this, was going on over our heads. It’s horrific.”

  Hours later they had a visitor.

  “Hello, Mr. Ulah, Ms. Durham.”

  Drake and Megan looked distastefully at the sharp-faced little man but did not respond. He leered at Megan and ran his tongue across his teeth, an imposing pair of fangs emerged, as if from nowhere, extending from the gums. Megan shriveled into Drake’s arms.

  His voice was shrill and his tone grave. “As I’ve told you several times over the past few months, if you don’t produce you will be re-assigned. Do you have any intention of even trying to reproduce?”

  Megan buried her face deeper into Drake’s chest, and Drake glared menacingly at the loathsome little man before igniting. “We’ve told you before, you ghoul, we won’t be an accessory to your barbaric existence!”

  “Very well then, that means you will be separated and go to auction. I’m sure you will make a very fine blood-feast for some worthy Vampire. I may even bid on you myself, my lovely.” He smiled at Megan’s horrified reaction. The glistening fangs appeared to pulse and take on a life of their own.

  He quickly scribbled and flipped through forms on his clipboard as he walked out, uninterested in the pain he was causing.

  A short time later, a group of uniformed Vampire men came calling, billy-clubs in hand.

  “Megan Durham? We’ve come to escort you to a separate apartment. Mr. Ulah, you may stay here.”

  “No, I won’t go!”

  “I’m sorry, I have my orders. You must come now.”

  Megan clung to Drake and used him as a shield when the group advanced.

  Drake instinctively tried to ward them off but got tasered and beaten down for his efforts. “Easy, he’s going to auction tomorrow. Bruised merchandise reduces my bonus.”

  Megan was dragged, kicking and screaming from the room.

  Drake groaned and rolled o
nto his side, but the physical pain was of no consequence to him. His world was over.

  The following day, the same men came to get Drake. He was calm and resigned to his fate.

  “What will happen to Megan?”

  “She will be either re-assigned to another male breeder or go to auction.”

  Drake sighed and dropped his eyes. He was escorted to a bus, half-full with other young human men. Armed guards were everywhere. The vehicle stopped several times to pick up other men, soon it was packed. The bus unloaded its valuable cargo at the rear of a large, two-story building. Many buses were parked and empty while yet another shipment pulled up. More old faces than Drake had ever seen before. Retired breeders, Drake surmised, being sold before they got too old to fetch a price. Gazing into faces, Drake recognized fear, some more visible as they fought back panic, while others masked their dread with a stern face. They had been told that the auction was just wealthy folk looking for employees, but the feeling of dread was palpable. Drake took a deep breath and let it out slowly…it didn’t help. A man broke ranks and made a run for it. One of the guards aimed his rifle and fired into the fleeing man’s back. The small, barbed projectile penetrated his flesh superficially and released a crippling jolt of current. The prisoner’s voluntary functions immediately ceased to work, and his sprint to freedom stalled in mid-stride. He fell in a twitching heap onto the ground, where he was collected and carried into the building by two of the guards. Drake and his group were led into the building. A large holding area was already almost full. Shuffling feet and random coughs were the only sounds. Scanning the area Drake noted a short set of stairs leading up to a red, metal door, manned by a guard. The door swung open and the excited buzz of a lively crowd could be heard beyond. The noise in another situation would have been pleasant, but now it only served to heighten Drake’s fear. Guards came and led the first two captives up the stairs and through the red door. The din surged, and so did the dread of the remaining men. Closed, the door effectively blocked out the sound coming from beyond, but when the excitement reached a fever pitch, the pandemonium could still be heard. Wave after wave as the door opened and closed. Too soon it was Drake’s turn. He was lead up the stairs and through the door. The creaking of the heavy door on un-greased hinges could be made out over the noisy crowd. Backstage was dimly lit and it took a moment for Drake’s eyes to adjust. A dark curtain was briefly opened up and a prisoner led through the opening. A shaft of bright light pierced the area and Drake got his first view of the source of the commotion. A glimpse of smiling, animated women intently sizing up the new offering. The curtain fell back in place. Drake took a couple of deep breaths to calm his nerves, just as the auctioneer bellowed.

  “This handsome young man should command a good price. He is strong and fit. Look at those veins!” The auctioneer displayed the young man’s forearm and pushed up on his chin. “Prime ‘A’, number one human blood. A feast for your senses and guaranteed to preserve life everlasting. Let’s start the bidding at 650 marks, I have 650 how’s ‘bout 7 do I hear 7,7,7? I have 7, do I hear 750. Going once, twice…last chance-sold for 700 marks. May your blood provide pleasure and sustenance,” he said to the young man as he was led off. “Next specimen please.”

  Drake was grasped firmly by both arms and ushered onto the stage. He shielded his eyes from the bright lights as he was escorted to a spot. Whoops of approval assaulted Drake’s ears.

  “Stand here, my young buck,” the auctioneer said as he scrolled down the page of his electronic notebook.

  “Vampire ladies and gentlemen, please refer to item number 66 on your program. This fine, strapping, handsome young male was actually included in the last group of candidates to be transformed before the program was scrapped in that landmark decision of only months ago so we know that his blood is impeccable. Look at those rippling muscles. A feast for the eyes as well as the soul. Guaranteed to sustain life and give you lots of thrill for the kill. If my preference wasn’t for female blood, I would be tempted to make a bid on him myself.” His eyebrows wiggled and the crowd laughed.

  “I’d like to start the bidding at 2,000 marks. The highest starting bid of the day, I realize, but I predict the bidding to be lively for this one.”

  The words had barely escaped his lips when a shout from the gallery erupted, “2,000!”

  Triggering a constant flow of bids that increased in value as well as the intensity of the bid itself. Women were bidding from every area of the gallery. Occasionally a man would make a bid, either on behalf of his female partner or for himself. The frenzy reached a fever pitch and bidders of lesser means or more common sense began to drop out. Soon, just a few determined shoppers remained in the battle for Drake. The pauses between bids became longer as two of the three Vampire women pondered if one man was worth this much of their resources. But with one of the three remaining consumers there was no hesitation between bids. Her resolute and assertive bids eventually wore down her opponents and they conceded.

  “Sold to paddle number 149! Wow, that was amazing. Good job, son. May your blood enhance the life of another.”

  Drake was ushered off the stage and tagged with the number of the buyer. The auction carried on for hours and the holding area for purchased humans swelled. At the end of the day busses were loaded and Drake was shown where to sit according to order of delivery. Winding its way through city streets, the bus came to a residential area. Drake’s turn came and he was lead to the front door of a nice looking two-story home.

  “Who is it?” a woman’s voice called through the door inter-com.

  “Blood Shop, with your purchase.”

  The door opened.


  “Hello Drake. How have you been?” Elsie signed for her purchase.

  The deliverymen waited until the door was shut and locked before they withdrew.

  “Well, I guess I’m a little numb, actually. You bought me?”

  “Of course, I couldn’t see you go to someone else. But I must say, you cost me a magnificent mark. I’ve never spent that much on one man before. Come in and make yourself comfortable.”

  Elsie directed Drake into a comfortable looking living area. Two plush burgundy couches faced each other flanked by chairs of similar style but contrasting color. A large glass-topped table centered the ensemble. Drake took a seat on one of the couches and scanned the room. Handsome wood and glass cabinets showed off ornate glassware. Beautiful artwork and exquisite decorative touches filled the room.

  “Wow! Very nice. Did you decorate yourself?”

  Elsie sat on the couch across from Drake. “I had the help of an interior decorator, but I had a hand in it as well…I paid for everything.” She smiled.

  Drake forced a smile back. “Well, it’s really impressive-and comfortable.” Drake stroked the soft fabric. “So I guess I should be happy that at least someone I know is going to drain me of my blood?”

  Elsie’s pleasant expression turned more serious and almost sympathetic. “No, Drake, I could never do that. You may stay with me here as my houseguest. I’m hoping the elders will rescind their law in a few years and you may still be able to experience life everlasting.”

  “Why are you doing this? It seems like there’s nothing in it for you.”

  “I just think it’s a waste of a brilliant mind; a mind that would help the Empire to be stronger. I still can’t believe they wouldn’t make an exception for you.”

  “And what if they don’t repeal the law? You’ll have to watch me age. I’ll bet you don’t have any old people around the house,” Drake’s tone became reproachful.

  “No, no I don’t.” Elsie moved up to the front of the couch and gazed deeply into Drake’s eyes. “I don’t apologize for what I am, Drake. I had a decision to make many years ago and I chose to survive. Was that so wrong?”

  “I’m just having such a hard time comprehending this. To me you’re all just cold-blooded killers.”

  Elsie nodded. “You’re right, we are, pl
ain and simple. But the perception of those words is what makes all the difference. Humans: breed, raise, butcher and devour cows, pigs, and chickens. But do you see that as a bad thing? I’ll bet the animals don’t think much of that practice.”

  “But those are animals, we’re humans, surely you can see the difference.”

  “Why do you feel your right to survive is more important than the animals you consume?”

  “Why do you feel your right to survive is more important than the humans you bleed dry?”

  “Exactly my point! We must all take a life from somewhere to be able to sustain and extend our own lives. It is the way of the world, the nature of things. It’s just because we are intelligent beings, able to reason and voice our opinions that makes it different.”

  “What makes it different is being the prey and not the hunter. Megan put it pretty well, she said that we’ve gone from the top of the food chain to the bottom, in an instant.”

  “Well, you needn’t worry about being the prey around here. Just enjoy my home. The law says that you can’t leave the residence without being accompanied by a Vampire. So, I’m afraid you’re stuck inside unless I’m with you.”

  “What about, Megan? Do you know what’s become of her?”

  “No, I don’t,” Elsie tone was suddenly terse.

  “Do you think you could find out? Maybe you could buy her, too.”

  “No, that isn’t possible.”

  “Why not? You did it for me.”

  “You are the first and the last.”

  “Elsie? Why really, did you do this? It just doesn’t add up. You spent way too much money on something you don’t even intend to use, just on the off chance that the law gets suspended?”

  Elsie looked down and was silent.

  “Elsie, you know there can never be anything between us.”

  This statement pulled the cork on feelings that had been bottled up for years and the emotion began to freely flow. Elsie’s head snapped up and her eyes were energized with passion. “Not now there can’t be! The Great Edict saw to that. We could’ve lived happily for eternity. Now I have to keep you locked in my house, like a prisoner. It wasn’t supposed to be this way. We were meant to be together!”